Thursday, November 06, 2008

Back in action...

Ok I've managed to bring this blog back to life, so I'll use this when I can while I'm traveling over in Thailand. My flight leaves Saturday at 12:15 AM or 00:15 which means I need to get to the airport on Friday night. My bags are pretty much packed and ready to go, I'm charging up the camera batteries and finalizing any last minute items. This is going to be the longest trip I've ever taken almost 6 weeks over in Thailand. Currently I have few plans, but that's the way I like it! I'm more than sure I'll get to see plenty when I'm over there. For the first few weeks I'll be lounging on the beach, logging plenty of hours in a hammock, sipping cold beers and chilling the fuck out.


Friday, March 03, 2006

It's been awhile.....

Since I have posted on my blog but figured I need to get started on this again. Especially since I will soon have to write in one for the Security Labs that I run, might as well get a little practice. So what are these security labs you might ask? Well I run a group in the company that is responsible for researching and identifying computer based threats. Especially threats knows as Spyware and Adware. Now granted Spyware is a pretty general term these days but we spend a lot of our time looking at keyloggers, trojans, droppers and all types of other fun little goodies people with too much time on their hands like to create. We find these applications, tear them to shreds and then write software that will protect the general public and very large enterprises from these threats. The team I run in based all over the world so we have a pretty far reach when it comes to looking into these things.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Gone Fishing

I am on day two of a five day fishing trip to Kona,Hawaii. We fished all day yesterday with only one bite; unfortunately that bite was sawed off my another Ono as I climbed into the fighting chair. The captain tried his best to get me into a big fish so I could get tuned up for the tournament that starts on Saturday and finishes on Sunday. The weather so far has been pretty mild; low eighties a little rain in the afternoon other than that it's great. My room is overlooking the ocean so it makes for a much better morning than the sound of speeding cars or rumbling trucks down the road that is norm back home. So the best part of all this is the fresh Ono sashimi we have been eating every day since I got here. Lucky for me the rest of the team went fishing a day before I got here and got hooked up into 5 fish; suffice to say I have been enjoying the benifits since then. Nothing better than slicing off chunks of freshly caught fish and grubbing it down with some Aloha soy and wasabi! All for now; send me good vibes so I pull in Godzilla during the tournament!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Tuna Time!

Heading to SoCal tonight then on the Pursue out of San Pedro, should be fishing the Butterfly and maybe the mushroom. I hope the weather holds and we don't get blown out; they are hitting Yellow's and Albies already. There have been rumors of blues coming up from Mexico but I would be suprised as the water is still relatively cool at this point (61.3F). When all goes well I'll bring fresh tuna to Victor and we'll be eating well on Tuesday night!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

So it's official.....

The news is out and has been picked up all over the web; we have purchased a big time player in the spyware/adware eradication business. We most recently wrapped up three days of all day meetings with the guys. I have to say I was incredibly impressed with what these guys have been able to accomplish with the scarce resources they have. I truly look forward to adding bodies to their team and getting them the leverage that Bangalore provides. Look for great things to come!

Monday, April 11, 2005

The day is flying by

It's already after 4pm here in Bangalore, the day is flying by I have two meetings left to go.  Then I will head out and finish up some last minute shopping before I have to head back to the hotel and pack.  I need to try and stay standing as much as possible over the next few hours because I will be on my ass for a long time!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Last day

Today is my last day in Bangalore, my flight on Lufthansa leaves at 2AM which means I have to be at the airport around 11:30PM.  From Bangalore I fly 10 hours to Frankfurt and then layover for four hours.  My next flight to Washington D.C. departs at 1:30 or so Frankfurt time.  The leg from Frankfurt to D.C. is around 11 hours or so, putting my total flying time at this point at 21 hours.  I arrive in D.C at 3:30PM EST and my next flight to Oakland departs at 7:30PM EST.  From D.C. to Oakland it's another 6 hours putting my total trip from Bangalore back home at roughly 27 hours.  Sounds like fun doesn't it!!!  I had hoped to take a quick tour around Frankfurt but found out the security lines to get to the US are so bad I wouldn't have enough time.

My last night

This is my last night in India, I leave tomorrow for the states.  I have quite a long trip ahead of me, I fly to Frankfurt then to Washington D.C. and then on to Oakland where my baby will be picking me up.  Back in the states will be oh so nice, I am taking Wednesday off and will probably head into work on Thursday.  I was hoping to take a four day weekend but it's not going to work out, April is going to be a crazy month.

More rain

I had planned on going out for a bit but the downpour has instead kept me inside.  The Rule of Four turned out to be a pretty good book, I've always like books that the plot centers around hidden meanings in old text.  Very DaVinici code like; however not quite as much action till the end.  Since I've finished that book I will move onto a book that was left for me called The Enemy by Lee Child.  It's supposed to be an easy read so should make for some entertainment on the plane flight home.  Getting any useful work done on the flight home is impossible as the seating in Lufthansa's coach section is unbearably small.  Some day when my company starts raking in the millions I hope we will allow business class tickets on flights over eight hours.

Waiting out the downpour on Sunday afternoon. Posted by Hello

Summer rains

It's just started raining in Bangalore on what was a very nice Sunday afternoon.  I decided not to venture out today as I am tired of dealing with the rickshaws drivers and their constant offers of tours and shopping.  I have decided to stay in and finish a book I am reading "The Rule of Four".  When it rains in Bangalore it really rains, to the point people on two wheelers pull over to the side of the road and wait out the downpour under any cover they can find.  The last two days have consisted of way too much food as I have found my CEO likes to order and order he did.  Starting off with dinner the first night we ordered kababs and beer which are the traditional starter for an evening.  Once that was finished and a few more beers consumer he proceeded to order dinner.  Dinner consisted of at least four different dishes and plenty of garlic naan.  Suffice to say at the bar in which we retired for an after dinner drink I could barely move.  Saturday began with the difficult task of flagging down a rickshaw driver and heading over to the upscale Chauncery Hotel where he was staying.  We then proceeded to shop for a good three hours and discovered an art studio that specialized in abstract works.  After picking out the pieces we wanted we were picked up by our country head and left for a lunch consisting of Afghani food.  Upon arrival I knew I was in trouble, as it turns out this was my CEO's favorite restaurant so food would be ordered in large quantities.  One note, I will definately be adding leg of lamb to my plethora of dishes I like to cook.  As I have been writing this entry the rain has picked up and the streets are already turing to mud and what used to be a series of potholes leading to another street has already flooded.