Monday, April 04, 2005

Wrapping up the day

Finally slept for more than 5 hours straight without waking up, so I think I got around a solid seven hours of sleep last night. Pretty cool here, you can pour cement at any time of the day midnight is not to late. Probably the only time they can get the cement trucks down the streets here. When there is traffic and you have to cross the street you sign up for what seems like a very dangerous game we like to call Bangalore Frogger. The fun part about this game is there are different difficuly levels depending on the time of day. Early morning is easy, around 10 AM the traffic doubles. Lunch can be tough but not as hard as 7-9PM. Thats where you get into the advanced levels. By the way speed bumps, speed limits, and crosswalks have no meaning. Just because you are the cross walk doesn't mean they won't run you over. And if you do get hit it's your fault as you should not have been in the way. So coming back from Goa I didn't realize how crappy the air quality is here till this morning. All the buses, auto rickshaws, mopeds, motorbikes, and cars pollute the holy hell out of the air. Expect for your throat to hurt and your eyes to burn, just wear it and move on because more than likely an auto rickshaw driver is bearing down on you.

I REALLY MISS ITALIAN FOOD AND A GOOD BURGER WOULD BE NICE!!! Indian food is good and I like chinese but seriously I need some nice prosciutto and stinky aged parmesaen.

So I started working out today, got up in the morning hit the circuit of pushups, dips, sit-ups and lunges. When I got back from the office I walked on the treadmill for 25 mins at a 15 degree angle. We'll see how sore I am tomorrow, but after being on the beach at Goa and remember what I used to look like when I was boxing it's time for a change. I just ordered room service and I need to check my email (had 5 come in as I was writing this).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

do your farts smell worse cause of all the curry?


Missin you!

9:04 PM  

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