Thursday, April 07, 2005

Sometimes you don't sleep

Sometimes when I am traveling I don't sleep very well, tonight is one of those nights. It's 3am here in Bangalore and I am in some weird wired but sleepy state. Tomorrow I have some pretty big meetings that will affect our ability as an engineering organization to deliver on some upcoming projects. Funny thing is that's not even really on my mind. I'm just sort of awake counting down the days at this point to when I head back to the states. Back to peace and quiet and my own bed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yikes - no sleep - i think your plane trip home will be one of nothing bu zzzz's. hope your meeting went okay. ma

10:04 AM  
Blogger LiFeOfZerO said...

The meeting went very well, I have to pack today and then fly out tomorrow. I will try and stay awake as much as possible to refelect our timezone but I'm sure it'll be tough at 2am to stay awake on my way to Frankfurt.

3:56 AM  

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