Sunday, March 27, 2005

Your money goes a long way.....

Something to remember about India, your money goes a long long way. We just had dinner at this very trendy bar restaurant. For about $70 we ate lobster, pad thai, chicken ginger, a bottle of wine, some beers, a very nice cigar, and a pack of cigarettes (for John). The service you get is over the top, not once did I refill my wine glass nor did I refill my plate with food. All was done by the waiter's and the rest of the staff. So far the trip has been pretty good, definately a little tired but enjoying the atmosphere. Traveling in the auto rickshaws is the only way to go, it's a little dusty and will dry out your eyes but they can manouver around the traffic like nobodys business. So far the people we have met have been really great, all very friendly and eager to talk about technology. If I were an Indian that lived here in Bangalore I would gather ten of my smartest friends that can write code and start a company that caters to the American software companies. Here they are all well trained and have a great desire to work, only interesting thing was when I told them I work 10-12 hours a day they thought that was a ton of hours. I don't know but I see opportunity here to try and maybe get some good contacts and fund a small outsourcing company. Guess I'll have to see what I can do. Well it's late here I need some sleep we are getting picked up at 9:30Am tomorrow for our first day in the office. Should be a good time I look forward to meeting everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so awesome - glad you thought of it. I will pass the address on so other's can read it.

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh hey - maybe that worked! love mom

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tyler - i love it! this is really neat. you are so cool - love Vic

12:35 PM  

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